Make Love With Coffee

I love this quotation and idea from the book, Feck Purfuction, by James Victore. This is a great way to practice  cherishing your spouse, and to add a ritual of connection, courtship, and intimacy to your relationship. Can you imagine how surprised your mate will be to find a lovely note – a quote, a greeting, a stick drawing – next to their coffee every morning? Imagine how fun this could be to find one, one day, by your mug of coffee.  Dr. Kevin Leeman, another author I have read years ago, had a book titled Sex Begins in The Kitchen. Exactly. Here is the quotation:

“My wife and I make love every morning – with coffee.  Each morning, whichever of us prepares the coffee, or has the foresight to fix it the night before, also leaves the other a note. The notes are usually quick, collaged, or drawn, or just a groggy sticky note. What it looks like is less important than what it says. Coffee notes are small reminders not to take our love for granted.”

I highly recommend this book. It is not self – help; it is a challenge book to yourself.