Loving him to Death – Enabling an Addict
Here is a great article from Harbor Moon Recovery on what enabling is. A quick definition is loving an addict to death. Are you helping or enabling? Read on! Source: Loving him to Death – Enabling an Addict
Here is a great article from Harbor Moon Recovery on what enabling is. A quick definition is loving an addict to death. Are you helping or enabling? Read on! Source: Loving him to Death – Enabling an Addict
This is such a great quotation from the article: “Being weird or different—even creative—should be not a source of shame or embarrassment but a torch to be held high. Weird is about the courage to be who you were born to be. Nerdy, goofy, fidgety;...
I had a client speaking about how he wished to let his wife know how afraid he is of the sense of disconnection he was experiencing with her,and how it went terribly wrong. It made me think of this scene from Dumb And Dumber. Here,...
“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” – William James Choosing not to choose is a choice. You are abdicating your preferences, leaving others to choose for you. They normally do not choose what you...